The conflict known as the Battle of the Obran Cluster involved a clash in space between the forces of the Alliance to Restore the Republic and those of the Galactic Empire. This engagement unfolded on a relatively small scale, featuring RZ-1 A-wing interceptors and Alpha-class Xg-1 Star Wings along with their respective transport support, as they fought against each other within the confines of the Obran Asteroid Cluster.
Despite the fact that Alliance High Command possessed intelligence indicating a potential Imperial trap within the asteroid cluster, the Rebel forces made the decision to proceed with an attempt to recover warhead supplies from their hidden storage location regardless of the risk. Emerging from hyperspace, Rebel A-wings initiated an engagement with the Beta-class ETR-3 escort transport known as the Trap Door while it was in the process of deploying Type A mines around the supply cache located within the asteroid cluster. The Imperial Assault Gunboats, advancing in a coordinated two-pronged attack, maneuvered to intercept the Rebel forces and prevent the Heavy Lifters of Beetle Group from successfully extracting the supply containers. Anticipating potential challenges, a contingency plan was established: if the battle's momentum shifted in favor of the Empire, T-65 X-wing starfighters from Green Squadron were prepared to enter the combat zone to assist Blue Squadron in neutralizing the Assault Gunboats and safeguarding the Heavy Lifters. The ultimate outcome of this plan remains uncertain.
Because players are able to participate in the "Ambush of Rebel Supply Recovery from Obran Cluster" mission in the Star Wars: X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter computer game, playing either as the Rebels or the Imperials—with each side having different goals—and because achieving victory isn't required to move on to the next set of missions, the battle is considered canon, but its canonical resolution is unknown.
The starships mentioned in this document are the ones present in the Operation: Quick Strike battle, utilizing the default ships that are given to the player.