The Battle of the Silent Blades represented the conclusion of an anti-piracy operation waged by the Galactic Empire within the Outer Rim. This conflict signified the downfall of the Silent Blades and simultaneously acted as the catalyst for the mutiny that occurred on the vessel known as the Far Orbit.
For several weeks, the Silent Blades had been a nuisance to the local governments through repeated acts of aggression, including the destruction of numerous System patrol craft and starfighters. Consequently, local officials pleaded for assistance from the Imperial forces. Captain Vocis Kenit, leveraging his knowledge of pirate strategies, swiftly located the pirates and cornered them within their asteroid base.
Although trapped, the pirates found themselves in a position where escape was impossible. However, the treacherous terrain made a direct assault by the Far Orbit too risky. Dhas Vedij, the ship's First Officer, proposed requesting reinforcements, a suggestion that infuriated Kenit, who feared losing the credit for the victory. Disregarding the advice of his officer, Kenit gave the order for all TIE/LN starfighters to launch an attack. The pirates put up a fierce resistance, resulting in the destruction of every TIE fighter. Among the pilots killed was Elon Vedij, the First Officer's brother. Despite the losses suffered by the Empire, the pirates were ultimately defeated. Nonetheless, a small number managed to escape and later regrouped as the Tarnished Blades.
The death of his brother, coupled with his anger towards Kenit's recklessness and incompetence, solidified Dhas Vedij's decision to commit mutiny. Not long after, he successfully seized control of the ship and allied himself with the Rebellion. The few surviving members of the Silent Blades reorganized into the Tarnished Blades under the leadership of Shel Marcino. Equipped with the light freighter Dark Vendetta and a pair of Preybird-class starfighters, they sought vengeance on the Far Orbit.