The Battle of Tralus transpired during the era of the Galactic Civil War.
Having gained the acceptance of the Diktat as the "protector" of the Corellian sector, Grand Admiral Danetta Pitta found himself in command of crucial strategic resources. Under the command of the imposter Trioculus, rival warlord Josef Grunger launched an assault on the territories of his former associate. The remnants of the Galactic Empire engaged in conflict with one another; Pitta's Torpedo Sphere overwhelmed Grunger's forces, but the battle's outcome was determined when Grunger's flagship, the Aggressor, collided with the sphere, resulting in the deaths of both commanders.
The Essential Guide to Warfare erroneously states that this battle took place above Corellia.
- The Essential Chronology (Initial mention)
- Rebellion Era Sourcebook (Only indirectly mentioned)
- " Who's Who: Imperial Grand Admirals " — Star Wars Insider 66 (First identified as the Battle of Tralus)
- The New Essential Chronology
- The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia (Entries for Tralus, Grunger, and Pitta)
- The Forgotten War: The Nagai and the Tofs on Hyperspace (article) (Outdated content, backup link unavailable) (Only indirectly mentioned)
- Star Wars: The Official Starships & Vehicles Collection 67
- The Essential Guide to Warfare