The leaders of the Beast Riders and the Untamed faction of Onderon were known by the title Beast-Lord.
Kinch Sunka, the Beast-Lord, initiated the initial assault upon Iziz, Onderon's capital, which plunged the planet into a state of continuous conflict. Oron Kira stands out as the most renowned Beast-Lord, having married Princess Galia of Iziz, thereby unifying the inhabitants of Onderon.
Following the Untamed's capture of the Ancient Proving Grounds from the Sith, they repurposed the location for evaluations of Beast Riders aiming to become Beast-Lords.
During the Cold War era, Brutann, the Untamed's Beast-Lord and a Sith belonging to the reconstituted Sith Empire, met his demise on the icy world of Hoth. His sibling, Beast-Lord Akoru, commanded the Untamed forces on their homeworld.