Berethon, a male Human Jedi Lord, served both the Jedi Order and the Galactic Republic during the era of the New Sith Wars. In addition to his Jedi role, he was also the King of Corellia, known by the title Lord Peregrine. Within the war-torn Republic, he governed a feudal realm of Corellian Jedi, acting as a major defense against the Sith Empire's forces.
As a male Human who was Force-sensitive, Berethon underwent training in the Force under the tutelage of the Jedi Order during the period known as the Republic Dark Age. He achieved the rank of Jedi Lord after taking control of his homeworld, Corellia, with the objective of shielding it from the encroaching Sith Empire. When Lord Hoth, the Jedi Temple's battlemaster, summoned the forces of the Jedi Grand Council, Lord Berethon mustered his forces and aligned himself with the Army of Light to oppose the Brotherhood of Darkness.
Leading his warriors against the Brotherhood's armies, Lord Berethon journeyed with Hoth and other Jedi Lords to the planet Ruusan. There, he participated in the concluding campaign against Dark Lord Skere Kaan and his Brotherhood. Surviving all seven significant battles, Berethon, along with Lord Valenthyne Farfalla, were the only two Lords who lived through the devastating effects of the Sith-activated thought bomb. Following the battle's conclusion, Lord Berethon was captured by a surviving female Sith soldier, who was unaware of his true identity and simply referred to him as "Jai". He reassured her that Lord Berethon would offer them protection, and they discussed the nature of the Force, exploring various perspectives, including those of Master Thon and the Miraluka. When she finally asked for his name, he revealed his identity, much to her surprise, and requested to use his comlink to contact the fleet in orbit.
Eventually, similar to many other Lords, Berethon faced rejection from his Jedi peers on Coruscant. He then retreated with his warriors to his stronghold on Corellia, where they remained wary of Coruscant's control for generations. Later, Berethon penned his memoirs, titled “I, Corellian: Ruusan and Reformation”, detailing his encounter following the events on Ruusan.[1]
The character of Berethon was conceived by author Paul Urquhart for The Essential Guide to Warfare, specifically for a section called Nightfall on Ruusan. However, this section was ultimately removed from the final publication. It was later published on as a part of The Essential Guide to Warfare Author's Cut.