Bern Nuladeg was a Renatasian pilot of starfighters who ultimately became one of the last warriors to seek vengeance for his destroyed homeworld during the time of the Imperial Era. When the Galactic Empire invaded the Renatasia system, killing millions, including Nuladeg's entire family, and devastating Renatasian society, Nuladeg was a highly-regarded flight instructor and soldier. Following this tragedy, Nuladeg united with his longtime friend Klyn Shanga in a vigilante organization known as the Renatasian Confederation, aiming to avenge their shattered home by eliminating Vuffi Raa, whom they held responsible for betraying Renatasia to the Empire, branding him as the "Butcher of Renatasia." Nuladeg fought with the Confederation when they located Raa within the ThonBoka nebula, but he perished during the subsequent battle.
Bern Nuladeg, a Human male, originated from Mathilde, the capital city located on the planet Renatasia III. This planet was the site of a Human colony that had been isolated for a long period of time, and had forgotten its origins. By the time of the Imperial Period, the colony had only recently begun to explore the outer reaches of its own system. Nuladeg matured, started a family, and chose a military career, attaining the rank of ace as a pilot of starfighters during a conflict with a neighboring nation of Mathilde. He eventually rose to become the commander of the nation-state's flight training academy. However, everything shifted with the initial contact with the broader galaxy. Two offworlders—a starfish-like being named Vuffi Raa and a scholar named Osuno Whett—visited Renatasia and spent over a year with its people before transmitting their collected data to the Galactic Empire, which paved the way for a devastating invasion. The Imperial assault, which occurred in 13 BBY, effectively annihilated Renatasian society, resulting in millions of deaths. Nuladeg's entire family was among the casualties, murdered for sport by a group of off-duty Imperial stormtroopers. The commander of the troopers, who had commandeered Nuladeg's former flight academy as his headquarters, refused to punish the perpetrators, dismissing their actions as a "prank." That very night, Nuladeg infiltrated the facility and personally killed the commander, using a bayonet to pierce his brain.
Vengeance was all that remained for Nuladeg and the remnants of his people. Nuladeg became a member of a disparate vigilante group, drawing members from across national boundaries, called the Renatasian Confederation. This group was led by Klyn Shanga, an old friend with whom Nuladeg had begun his piloting career many years prior. As one of the few remaining acquaintances of Shanga from before the Imperial invasion, Nuladeg quickly became one of Shanga's most trusted confidants, although he declined any official appointment to the position of second-in-command, citing his own impulsive nature. While the Empire was too formidable to directly challenge, they had a more accessible target for their collective rage: Vuffi Raa, now known as the "Butcher of Renatasia," whom they held accountable for Renatasia's destruction. In 3 BBY, their pursuit of Vuffi Raa led them to the asteroid belt of the Oseon system, where they had tracked the Millennium Falcon, a freighter on which Raa was traveling. The confrontation proved disastrous for the Confederation, with Nuladeg being one of only a few dozen survivors.
After their near annihilation in the Oseon system, Nuladeg continued to fly with Shanga's Confederation, which reformed to launch a renewed campaign against the "Butcher." Their quest for retribution brought them into alliance with Rokur Gepta, a Sorcerer of Tund and a bloodthirsty [Force](/article/the_force-legends] adept who harbored a murderous vendetta against Lando Calrissian, a gambler who was traveling with Vuffi Raa. Their pursuit eventually led them to the ThonBoka, a remote region within the Centrality that was home to a previously unknown [space](/article/realspace-legends]-dwelling race called the Oswaft. Shanga brought Nuladeg with him aboard Gepta's flagship Wennis during the negotiation of their partnership. However, Nuladeg was consumed by the knowledge that the "Butcher" was within his reach and attempted to commandeer a pinnace to personally pursue Vuffi Raa. His attempt was thwarted, and he was subsequently imprisoned in the ship's brig.
Gepta intended to brutally execute Nuladeg, but Shanga intervened on behalf of his friend, ultimately securing his release upon their arrival at the ThonBoka. Gepta honored his word, and when the time came to pursue the Millennium Falcon, Nuladeg was once again in the cockpit of his starfighter. Flying alongside Shanga and the remaining Renatasians in their group, Nuladeg located the Falcon within the ThonBoka and initiated a full-scale assault, only to find themselves significantly outmatched. Nuladeg was among the last Renatasians left alive by the battle's end, and he was ultimately killed—not by the Falcon, but by Gepta's Wennis, which eliminated any potential interference for the sorcerer's impending confrontation with Calrissian.
Bern Nuladeg, a small and wiry man, maintained his lighthearted sense of humor even when facing death at the hands of Rokur Gepta. He embodied the reckless attitude of the Renatasian Confederation in its final days. With his home destroyed, Nuladeg felt he had little to fear from Gepta, and his only concern was to bring Vuffi Raa to justice. Nuladeg was prepared to risk anything to avenge his family and his home, often acting without considering the potential risks or consequences. He was well aware of his own impulsiveness, a trait he allowed few to witness. Nuladeg had a habit of smoking cigars while engaged in dogfights, joking that it prevented him from biting his tongue.
Bern Nuladeg made an appearance in Lando Calrissian and the Starcave of ThonBoka, which was written by L. Neil Smith and published in 1983.