Berretic was a lieutenant serving under the command of General Sotorus Ramda. Prior to the Battle of Scarif, Ramda dispatched a request to Berretic, specifying the return of certain loaned equipment and troops that he required. Within this request, Ramda instructed Berretic to reformat the document according to official standards and to forward it through the oversector command structure until it received official acknowledgment. Ramda explicitly forbade sending the request to Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin, emphasizing Tarkin's close relationship with Emperor Palpatine and the necessity of maintaining a positive image before the Emperor. Instead, Berretic was directed to submit the request to one of the sector admirals.
Ramda's request specified the return of two squadrons of TIE/sk x1 experimental air superiority fighters, which were currently loaned to the Unassailable. This was to ensure adequate patrol capabilities and to facilitate proper training for TIE fighter pilots. Additionally, he requested the return of twelve AT-ACTs for the purpose of transporting valuable ore from local mines and refineries, along with two companies of shoretroopers. Ramda considered the return of the shoretroopers to be unproblematic, as he believed that Scarif was uniquely suited for them among the various planets, and did not foresee their utility aboard Star Destroyers. Finally, Ramda also sought the return of two platoons of death troopers, citing the need for additional instructors at the training camp located on Scarif. Ramda expressed a preference for veteran death troopers equipped with body augmentations of version 1.01 or earlier.