Bespin Motors was a manufacturing enterprise focused on vehicles, most notably the Storm IV Twin-Pod cloud car. The company derived its name from the gas giant of Bespin, a location where the security personnel of Cloud City frequently utilized their vehicular products. Furthermore, they were responsible for the production of repulsor sleds, which were employed to securely transport exotic gasses that had been carbon-frozen.
The initial concept for Bespin Motors came from Bill Slavicsek and Curtis Smith during their work on The Star Wars Sourcebook, a reference guide within the Star Wars Legends continuity that saw publication in 1987. The company's status as canon was later affirmed through its inclusion in the Ultimate Star Wars reference book, which was released in 2015.
- Ultimate Star Wars (Initial Mention)
- Star Wars Helmet Collection 10 (Databank A-Z: Chewbacca–Cloud City)
- Star Wars: Complete Locations
- Star Wars Encyclopedia of Starfighters and Other Vehicles
- Star Wars Helmet Collection 61 (Weapons & Uniforms: Bespin's Cloud City)
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