Binalu, a Human female of advanced age, held the position of one of the "twin rulers" governing Typha-Dor for a considerable duration, sharing this role with Talus, in the time period preceding the Clone Wars.
During the Separatist Crisis in 25 BBY, Binalu championed the cause of the Galactic Senate of the Republic and actively resisted the impending invasion of her home world by the forces of Vanqor, a nearby planet located within the Uziel system.
In her capacity as the leader of the Typha-Dor High Council, Binalu appealed to the Senate for the swift dispatch of Jedi diplomats to assist her planet and played a key role in the top-secret and strategically vital planning sessions in anticipation of Vanqor's planned invasion. Utilizing confidential intelligence, she sanctioned a proactive strategy aimed at ensnaring the Vanqor fleet within a satellite-moon passage that the enemy was using for their approach.
Binalu collaborated with not only High General Bycha and her subordinate generals, but also with Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, Clee Rhara, Siri Tachi, and the other Jedi emissaries dispatched by the Senate, to broker a truce and a lasting peace agreement between Typha-Dor and Van-Ith, the ruler of Vanqor.