The Blade of the Sith Executioner, a Sith sword, was the weapon of choice for Koval Renge, the Sith Lord who served as the Sith Executioner. Renge held this position as the personal enforcer for the Emperor of the revitalized Sith Empire. Created millennia of years prior to the Cold War that occurred between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire, during a time preceding the invention of lightsabers, Renge utilized the Blade to kill numerous adversaries of the Emperor. Nevertheless, when Renge plotted to betray the Emperor, an event that transpired significantly before 3950 BBY, the Blade was used against him. A piece of the sword fractured and became lodged in Renge's chest. Despite his injuries being healed before he was cast into the abyss of the Dark Temple located on the planet Dromund Kaas, the shard remained within Renge's body.
The initial reference to the Blade of the Sith Executioner occurred within its dedicated Codex entry in Star Wars: The Old Republic, a video game from 2011 developed by BioWare. The Blade was initially planned to be featured in the game, but it was ultimately removed.