Weapon attachments known as blaster sights were exclusively compatible with ranged energy weaponry. This attachment functioned by emitting energy to "paint" the intended target upon a partial trigger press. The weapon's barrel would release this energy, enabling the user of the sight to ascertain their aiming point. While many models emitted beams within the human visual range, certain variations utilized wavelengths imperceptible to the unaided eye, necessitating the use of specialized goggles for visualization. The Alliance to Restore the Republic's special forces frequently employed integrated Blaster Sights. Notable examples encompassed the Neuro-Saav "Deadeye" Sight and the Tana Ire y-30Z Targeting Beam.
The concept of blaster sights initially appeared within the new Star Wars canon in Forged in Battle. This 2016 sourcebook was created for the Star Wars: Age of Rebellion roleplaying game, and was released by Fantasy Flight Games. The weapon attachment's origin can be traced back to the Star Wars Legends continuity as blaster sights. They were initially referenced within Cracken's Rebel Field Guide, a supplement for Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game published by West End Games in June of 1991.[3]_
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