The Bleaks designated a mountain range situated on the planet of Leritor. This range, intersected by numerous rivers, was locally infamous due to the presence of large avian wildlife and the frequent occurrence of intense storms.
At one point in time, a Sith spacecraft suffered a crash within the Bleaks, resulting in its wreckage becoming buried and partially submerged. The Sith crewmembers who survived unsuccessfully attempted to dominate the native Sauvax species. Ultimately, the ship was lost to time and its existence forgotten.
Several combine-reaper vessels, notably the Nellist and the Gevion, cultivated the plains located to the south of the Bleaks. Around this period, a Dark Side Adept known as Profex Rynalla secretly journeyed to Leritor with the intention of retrieving the Bracers of Najus, a valuable Sith treasure contained within the lost starship. She established a slaving camp in the vicinity of the starships within the Bleaks. Rynalla utilized prefabricated structures, including barracks and guard towers, and prepared a landing area for her bulk freighter and her trio of Vedette snub fighters.
She, along with her Klatooinian subordinates, launched an assault on a Sauvax settlement and a combine-reaper crewed by Humans, forcibly conscripting the survivors to serve as slaves in the excavation of the ship. One Sauvax survivor of her attack witnessed her ship returning to the Bleaks.
Additionally, Rynalla established a smaller camp on the periphery of The Bleak, specifically for two of her soldiers, with the sole purpose of capturing any slaves who might have escaped from the main camp. Three Human slaves and two Sauvax were captured and subsequently tortured to death.
Rynalla directed the slaves in the task of unearthing the Sith starship: They moved in a line, extracting stones from the ship's location and depositing them near the camp's perimeter, constantly under the watchful eyes of Klatooinians armed with heavy blaster pistols and stun baton. The amphibious Sauvax were assigned to the deepest, submerged area. As they consistently left behind remains, sometimes including technology, in a stream, some Sauvax observed an increase in silt within the river and heightened fauna activity.