The Galactic Empire launched a bombardment against the Corellian moon of Gus Talon in the early stages of the Galactic Civil War. This was a reprisal for the presence of a local Rebel Alliance cell there. The mechanic named Rallo was secretly in charge of this cell, operating from his workshop located within a small settlement on Gus Talon, alongside his daughter, Mala Tinero. Approximately two years before the Battle of Yavin, an Imperial occupation force, under the command of Captain Turrant, discovered the cell. When they attempted to dismantle it, Rallo and his followers resisted, resulting in the deaths of five stormtroopers during a firefight that took place inside the workshop.
In response, the Empire deployed fourteen TIE bombers to devastate the small settlement with a massive aerial attack. This resulted in the deaths of numerous citizens of Gus Talon, including both Rallo and his daughter. Following the destruction, stormtroopers moved into the ruined settlement and transported the majority of the remaining survivors away on prison ships. At the time of the attack, Tinero's boyfriend, Wedge Antilles, was fortunately away from Gus Talon, which saved him from becoming another victim. However, the grief he experienced due to Tinero's loss ultimately convinced him to join the fight against the Empire.

During 2 BBY, which was the initial year of the Galactic Civil War, the Galactic Empire established a temporary military presence on Gus Talon. Gus Talon is a moon orbiting the planet of Corellia, located within the Core Worlds. The occupying force included a stormtrooper unit stationed in a small, yet vibrant settlement. This settlement was primarily populated by Humans and a mix of other species, including Selonians and Drall. Captain Turrant, a stern and middle-aged officer, was responsible for overseeing this unit. He developed a strained acquaintance with Rallo, a local mechanic who lived and worked on Gus Talon with his daughter, Mala Tinero.
Operating in secrecy, Rallo managed a local cell of the Rebel Alliance from his workshop located in the Gus Talon settlement. He ostensibly employed several individuals, including his daughter Tinero. She attempted to persuade her boyfriend, Wedge Antilles, who also resided on Gus Talon, to join the Rebellion; however, she was unable to convince him. Meanwhile, intelligence regarding the existence of the Rebel cell reached Turrant. During a chance meeting with Rallo and Antilles on the settlement's streets, Turrant took the opportunity to hint at his suspicions regarding the mechanic's involvement with the Rebel cell, but Rallo calmly denied any involvement.

Shortly after their encounter, Turrant, accompanied by five stormtroopers, confronted Rallo and his associates at the mechanic's workshop. They interrupted their work in the middle of the day. Turrant declared that he was seizing the workshop and all its contents in the name of the Empire. He also announced that Rallo and all his employees, including his daughter, were under arrest for their participation in the Rebel Alliance.
When Turrant implied that he would send Tinero off-world to be imprisoned, away from her father's protection, Rallo immediately fired upon the stormtroopers using a blaster pistol. A lightfight broke out inside the workshop between Turrant's troops and the members of Rallo's Rebel cell. The rebels quickly produced their own blasters and proceeded to eliminate all five stormtroopers, in what was considered a heroic act of defiance against an oppressive force. However, Turrant managed to escape the confrontation and promptly requested reinforcements via comlink.
The Empire retaliated by dispatching fourteen TIE/sa bombers on a bombing run. The attack completely destroyed the Gus Talon settlement, leaving it in ruins. Rallo and his daughter were among the many Gus Talon citizens who were killed during this devastating attack.

Following the bombing, stormtroopers entered the ruined Gus Talon settlement and transported most of the surviving inhabitants away on prison ships. However, the destination of these ships remained unknown to those who remained. The Empire officially placed Gus Talon under Imperial control, declared all its citizens to be Imperial prisoners, and deployed an Imperial-class Star Destroyer in orbital blockade above the moon to secure the system.
Wedge Antilles was not present on Gus Talon during the Imperial bombing of the settlement, as he was temporarily employed transporting machine parts off-system. Had he been there, he would have undoubtedly participated in the conflict between Rallo's men and Turrant's stormtroopers. Upon returning to Gus Talon aboard his small freighter, he encountered the Imperial blockade and his request to land was denied. Antilles protested, stating that he resided on Gus Talon, which resulted in two TIE/LN starfighters engaging his ship. Enraged by the sudden loss of Tinero, Antilles destroyed one of the two TIE fighters, but was forced to flee the system when the Star Destroyer dispatched additional TIEs in pursuit.
With little of value remaining on Gus Talon, the Imperial forces withdrew eight days after Antilles' initial attempt to land. On the ninth day, he finally managed to return home, where he witnessed firsthand the devastation inflicted upon the settlement by the Imperial bombardment. None of the survivors could provide information regarding Tinero's fate, and he realized that he would have been killed or imprisoned had he been present during the attack. Overcome with grief due to the loss of Tinero, Antilles joined the Rebel Alliance shortly afterward and would later become a highly skilled starfighter ace.
The bombing of Gus Talon was depicted in the comic story titled "Lucky," which appeared in issue 23 of the Star Wars Tales comic series. "Lucky" was written by Rob Williams and illustrated by Michel Lacombe. Star Wars Tales 23 was published by Dark Horse Comics on May 11, 2005. The bombing serves as the tragic event that inspired Wedge Antilles to join the Rebel Alliance.