The pirate ship known as the Boneyard Rendezvous, which also went by the misleading name High Tide, was commanded by Captain Byalfin Dyur. Prior to or during 40 ABY, Lumiya contacted these pirates and gave them orders to follow Ben Skywalker while he searched for the Amulet of Kalara. While keeping an eye on Ben, the large freighter was located at one of the spaceports on the moon Drewwa. Dyur had disguised it as the High Tide under the guise of running a droid business. The freighter had actually undergone extensive modifications, with the cargo holds designed to carry starfighters.
Following Lumiya's directions, the crew of the Boneyard gave the courier Faskus the assignment of delivering the Amulet to Ziost. Upon Faskus's arrival, TIE/LN starfighters from the Boneyard attacked his ship, the Blacktooth. Later on, the same fighter destroyed the Y-wing that Ben Skywalker had stolen in order to pursue Faskus to the planet. The Boneyard stayed in orbit while monitoring Skywalker's movements across Ziost. When Lumiya instructed Dyur to assassinate Ben, he dispatched pilots to carry out the task. Skywalker, however, had been seriously underestimated; he forced one TIE fighter to retreat and destroyed another, then fled the planet in a Sith Meditation Sphere and launched an attack on the freighter.
Aboard the peculiar and potent craft, Ben launched metal balls from a magnetic accelerator, sending them smashing into the ship. This damaged the thrusters and engines, rendering entire launch bays useless. The freighter began to roll and descend into the atmosphere, but Ben pressed his attack, collapsing the shields and severing a comm antenna. The pirate freighter was presumed to be destroyed.