The Books of Massassi represent a collection of inscribed tablets, written by the Massassi, that chronicled their historical narrative.
Around 14 ABY, soon after the Jedi academy was founded on Yavin 4, these tablets were discovered within a subterranean corridor that had been sealed off due to a ceiling collapse. Jedi Master Streen then undertook the challenging endeavor of translating the tablets from the ancient language employed by the Massassi, managing to complete sixteen tablets by 16 ABY. Streen discovered within these writings that the Massassi relentlessly pursued perfection, remaining dissatisfied despite their control over Yavin 4. It was this very quest for perfection—or, more accurately, power—that ultimately guided the Massassi toward the dark side of the Force. Luke Skywalker considered the texts to have originated from a single writer, a compilation of essays documenting Massassi history and religious beliefs. Some individuals speculated that these books were the original holy scriptures of the Massassi, initially conveyed verbally by learned slaves.