Massassi was an ancient language utilized by the Massassi, a race of primitive beings who were nonetheless Force-sensitive and belonged to the Sith species. Its usage was temporarily superseded by Sith.
The Massassi writing system employed symbols, but a single symbol didn't consistently represent a single letter within either the Aurebesh or High Galactic alphabets. This resulted in a time-intensive translation process, due to the numerous possibilities. The Books of Massassi are among the notable texts written in this language. Exar Kun, a Dark Lord of the Sith, had hieroglyphs inscribed in the Massassi language onto the obsidian walls of his temple.
Xenographologists determined that the Massassi alphabet was linked to a simplified component of the High Sith writing system.
By 16 ABY, Streen, a Jedi Master, had finished translating sixteen tablets from the Books of Massassi. In 22 ABY, while at the Jedi Praxeum on Yavin 4, Jedi trainees Anakin Solo and Tahiri Veila translated ancient Massassi symbols to figure out how to break the curse of the Golden Globe, which had been created by the Dark Lord Exar Kun to imprison Massassi children and steal their powers.
- Mnnt Yttl Gythh. Wyyrl Tmmn Zyrth! - This translates to: He is the one we have waited for... bring him to the Temple of Fire ! [1]

Ralph McQuarrie's The Illustrated Star Wars Universe contains visual examples of Massassi script.