
A Brubb who made his living as both a smuggler and a mercenary was known as Brasck.



Born on Baros in 25 BBY, Brasck was a Brubb male. Grand Admiral Thrawn of the Imperial forces discovered his homeworld in the Unknown Regions of the galaxy. Thrawn subjugated Baros, instilling a lasting fear and respect for the Galactic Empire in its people. The tales of Thrawn's time on Baros, and the lessons he imparted, were never forgotten by Brasck, who harbored a lifelong fear of the Empire.

Later, Brasck departed Baros and was enlisted as a mercenary by Jabba Desilijic Tiure. Jabba was a powerful Hutt crime lord with operations based on Tatooine and Nar Shaddaa. Brasck claimed he had no choice but to serve Jabba, yet he embraced the role with enthusiasm, adopting some of Jabba's ruthless tactics. Brasck functioned as one of Jabba's many enforcers, assassinated rivals of Jabba's, and disciplined disloyal employees or business associates. While considered a heartless and unpleasant individual, he was known for his brutal effectiveness.

Exploiting the Chaos

Brasck was a significant figure in the Borderland Regions situated between the territories of the New Republic and the Imperial forces. Before the Battle of Endor, Brasck was employed as a mercenary by Jabba the Hutt. Following Jabba's demise, Brasck gathered as many followers as he could and established his own smuggling enterprise, which also engaged in kidnapping and slavery.


Brasck established his base of operations on the starship Green Palace, a ship he kept constantly moving, hoping to avoid Jabba's fate. He constantly feared ambush and assassination, so he consistently wore body armor and concealed multiple weapons on his person.

He later formed a partnership with Billey, recognizing the power of combined forces. Before Karrde's proposal for a smuggler's alliance, Brasck had determined that his organization was well-positioned to collect the bounty on Luke Skywalker, even though it was Luke and his Rebel allies who had killed Jabba, giving Brasck the opportunity to gain power.

Brasck had to refuse Karrde's offer of an alliance, largely because he was concerned about Imperial retaliation. However, Brasck consented to not interfere with the alliance, nor would he inform the Imperials of its existence.

Behind the scenes

In the comic adaptation, Brasck is incorrectly depicted as a Trandoshan.

