Brubbs were bipedal reptilian beings originating from the planet Baros, found within the Baros system. To survive on their harsh, arid home world, which was frequently swept by sandstorms, Brubb ancestors developed robust hides and sturdy, translucent membranes that shielded their eyes. Because Baros offered little in the way of audible stimuli beyond the constant rush of wind, Brubbs possessed severely limited hearing capabilities. Their high-gravity planet of origin endowed Brubbs with considerable strength for their size, which typically ranged from 1.5 to 1.7 meters. Furthermore, Brubbs exhibited a rudimentary form of camouflage, capable of altering their skin color within a limited spectrum of yellow to greenish-gray hues.
A Brubb at a CMG guildhouse
Brubbs displayed a highly gregarious nature, congregating in sizable communal units known as habas. These habas typically consisted of extended family networks, collaboratively raising offspring and jointly managing specialized enterprises, such as agricultural ventures, mining operations, or even recreational resorts. However, certain "university" habas were formed by selecting the most gifted individuals from various other habas. These elite groups possessed technological capabilities nearing galactic standards, particularly in the domains of solar and wind energy exploitation. According to Obo Rin's renowned Catalog of Intelligent Life in the Galaxy, it was one of these advanced university habas that initiated contact with the broader galaxy by transmitting radio signals that eventually drew the attention of the Galactic Empire. Nevertheless, some indications suggest earlier interactions between Brubbs and other inhabited planets. For instance, in 32 BBY, a cantina situated in Mos Espa on Tatooine was famously known as "The Blue Brubb".
Each haba was administered by its ten most senior Brubbs. Given that female Brubbs experienced shorter lifespans due to the physical demands of egg-laying, these leadership positions were almost exclusively held by males. Coinciding with their initial interactions with aliens, many female Brubbs advocated for equitable representation in haba governance, staging protests by abstaining from egg-laying.
Due to Baros's high gravitational pull, scarce natural resources, and the relatively primitive technology of its inhabitants, Brubbs did not participate significantly in interstellar commerce. The Brubbs themselves constituted their primary export, with their inherent strength and resilience rendering them valuable as mercenaries and manual laborers. Jabba the Hutt famously employed Brubbs as security personnel aboard his sail barge, the Khetanna. Other Brubbs, owing to their affable dispositions and distinctive physical characteristics, were sought after as "ornamental" companions, serving as retainers for affluent citizens of the Core Worlds.