During the age known as the Imperial Period, the Galactic Empire took control of the planet called Baros, which served as the original homeworld for the Brubb species.
Sometime in the period spanning from 19 BBY to 0 ABY, the Galactic Empire became aware of the planet Baros. This happened after a group of Brubb astronomers, who believed that their planet was not the only civilized world in the galaxy, started transmitting encoded communications into space.
A cargo freighter picked up one of these transmissions and reported it to the sector Moff, who then sent a light cruiser to investigate the source of the message.
At the time of its discovery, the planet Baros was considered to be within the Unknown Regions. Thrawn was the one who located it. Thrawn was instrumental in the occupation of Baros, instilling a sense of fear and respect for the power of the Galactic Empire in the Brubbs.
By 0 ABY, Baros had been incorporated into the Dominus sector within the Outer Rim Territories.
In 9 ABY, many years after they were forced to serve the Empire, the Brubbs remained deeply afraid of the Galactic Empire. During the Thrawn campaign of the Galactic Civil War, the forces under Grand Admiral Thrawn attacked the Baros system once more.
A few days after the attack, the Brubb smuggler and slaver Brasck refused Talon Karrde's invitation to join the Smugglers' Alliance during a meeting at the Whistler's Whirlpool tapcafe located on Trogan. Brasck remembered stories from his childhood on Baros about Thrawn and knew all too well what the Empire did to those who betrayed them, and he was especially afraid of Grand Admiral Thrawn.