Bravo 3

Bravo 3 was a designation for a pilot as a callsign utilized by Bravo Squadron. This squadron of N-1 starfighter craft belonged to the Space Fighter Corps, a part of the Royal Naboo Security Forces serving the Monarch of Naboo. Arven Wendik used this callsign during the Battle of Naboo which occurred in 32 BBY, participating in the assault against the Trade Federation Lucrehulk-class Battleship named Vuutun Palaa, and lived through the conflict.

Behind the scenes

The 1999 film Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace from the prequel trilogy initially featured the Bravo 3 callsign. Although the callsign is not said aloud in the movie, it is credited to Clarence Smith, the actor playing Wendik, as "Fighter Pilot Bravo 3" in the end credits.

