Arven Wendik

Arven Wendik was a lieutenant and pilot of human descent, serving with distinction in Bravo Squadron within the ranks of the Naboo Royal Space Fighter Corps. In 32 BBY, when the planet of Naboo faced invasion at the hands of the Trade Federation, Wendik participated in the Battle of Naboo flying an N-1 starfighter under the callsign Bravo 3. Wendik and the rest of Bravo Flight were assigned the mission of eliminating Vuutun Palaa, a Lucrehulk-class Battleship that commanded the Trade Federation Droid Army. Despite their efforts, they could not inflict damage until Anakin Skywalker, a young boy, managed to destroy the battleship from the inside. Wendik emerged from the battle unscathed and celebrated the victory.


Lieutenant Arven Wendik, a human pilot, was a member of the Royal Space Fighter Corps, which was part of the Royal Naboo Security Forces stationed on the planet Naboo. This was during the Trade Federation's occupation of Naboo in 32 BBY. Wendik was part of Bravo Squadron, working alongside commander Ric Olié and fellow lieutenants Dineé Ellberger and Lutin Hollis. While many pilots were captured during the Trade Federation's invasion, some were freed when Olié and Queen Padmé Amidala returned from seeking assistance on Coruscant. A plan was then devised to reclaim Naboo with the help of the native Gungans.

While the Gungan Grand Army kept the Trade Federation Droid Army occupied, Amidala led a group including Wendik and Bravo Flight into Theed, Naboo's capital. They used secret routes to get to the Theed Hangar, where they eliminated the battle droids guarding the area. This allowed Bravo Flight to launch the N-1 starfighters stored in the hangar. Wendik flew one of the starfighters as Bravo Flight departed Naboo's atmosphere to destroy the Vuutun Palaa, a Lucrehulk-class Battleship controlling all of the Federation's droid forces. Wendik, as Bravo 3, participated in the battle, where the Naboo pilots fought the vulture droids deployed by the battleship. However, they realized that the target's deflector shield was too strong for them to penetrate.

Unexpectedly, the Trade Federation ship started to explode from the inside, even though the pilots hadn't been able to damage it. This destruction was caused by Anakin Skywalker, a young child, and the astromech droid R2-D2. They had been brought to the battle by a N-1 starfighter's autopilot, and they ended up inside the Vuutun Palaa, destroying it from within. Wendik noticed Skywalker's fighter leaving the exploding battleship. Then, Wendik, Skywalker, and the rest of Bravo Flight flew away from the Vuutun Palaa and celebrated as it exploded. The ship's destruction led to the deactivation of the Federation's droid forces on Naboo, resulting in a victory over the Trade Federation and the liberation of the planet.

Personality and traits

Arven Wendik had a dark complexion and brown eyes. After the destruction of the Vuutun Palaa, they celebrated with a more subdued exclamation compared to the louder cheers of the other pilots.


During the Battle of Naboo, while piloting an N-1 starfighter, Wendik wore a brown Fighter Corps Flying Helmet with the goggles down, along with the corps's orange flying jacket.

Behind the scenes

Clarence Smith played Arven Wendik in the 1999 prequel trilogy film, Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace. In the film, the character was only credited as "Fighter Pilot Bravo 3".

Their full name was used in the thirty-first issue of the Star Wars: Build the Millennium Falcon magazine, published by De Agostini around August 5, 2015, within the new Star Wars canon. The name originated in the Star Wars Legends continuity, first appearing on a card in the 2001 Theed Palace Limited set of the Decipher Star Wars Customizable Card Game.

In the 2022 non-canon video game LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga, Wendik is featured during an adaptation of their scene from The Phantom Menace, but is depicted with a lighter skin tone than their original appearance.

