
Brusc held the rank of captain within the Imperial Starfleet. He was the commanding officer aboard the Manticore, an Imperial I-class Star Destroyer assigned to the Maw fleet.


During 0 BBY, Brusc was among the Imperial officers tasked with guarding the Maw Installation. This Imperial research center was established by Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin and located within the Maw Cluster. As the captain in command of the Manticore, an Imperial I-class Star Destroyer, he was a member of a fleet composed of four Imperial I-class Star Destroyers. Brusc and his vessel operated under the authority of Admiral Natasi Daala.

In 11 ABY, Brusc and the Manticore took part in the pursuit of the experimental superweapon known as the Sun Crusher. This weapon had been stolen from the Maw Installation by Han Solo, Chewbacca, Kyp Durron, and Qwi Xux. However, Daala's Star Destroyers unexpectedly appeared amidst Moruth Doole's mercenary fleet, leading to an engagement with the hostile ships. In the ensuing battle, the combined firepower of the Manticore and the Basilisk obliterated a Strike-class medium cruiser, prompting the remaining mercenary vessels to retreat into hyperspace. Although Brusc and the Manticore survived the Skirmish in the Maw, the Sun Crusher successfully escaped, and its passengers alerted the New Republic to the existence of the Maw Installation. Brusc and the Manticore then accompanied Daala in her guerrilla warfare against the New Republic. Brusc's initial combat involvement consisted of the ruthless massacre of refugees and the complete annihilation of their colony on Dantooine.

Brusc and the Manticore were assigned the task of destroying the Mon Calamari orbital shipyards during the attack on Mon Calamari. While the Gorgon and the Basilisk inflicted substantial damage upon the floating cities located on the planet's surface, the Manticore advanced towards the shipyards. Nevertheless, a responding squadron of B-wing starfighters effectively diverted the Manticore, allowing the MC90 Star Cruiser Startide, remotely piloted by Admiral Gial Ackbar, to collide with the Star Destroyer. The collision with the Startide resulted in a powerful explosion, leading to the destruction of the Manticore and the deaths of its entire crew, including Brusc. Daala was infuriated by the loss of the Manticore, but was compelled to retreat as the New Republic Defense Fleet arrived at the battle.

