Bushman Krentz

Bushman Krentz, a male pilot of the Human species, was generally considered a fool and a drunk by those who knew him. In the year 137 ABY, while inebriated, Krentz wandered into the city of Mos Eisley on the desert planet of Tatooine and stumbled upon an attractive female humanoid in a dimly lit alleyway. Little did he know, this woman was actually the Anzat assassin named Nakia Yoru. Yoru lured Krentz closer, and then killed him by using the proboscises on her face to extract his soup – his [brain](/article/brain/legends] matter.


During the time of the Second Imperial Civil War, there existed a Human male pilot named Bushman Krentz, a notorious alcoholic often mocked by his fellow pilots. One night in 137 ABY, Krentz, heavily intoxicated, was wandering through a dark and deserted alley within the spaceport city of Mos Eisley on the planet Tatooine, grumbling about the insults he received due to his drinking as he searched for his starship. Despite the danger of being alone at night in Mos Eisley, he pressed on and eventually encountered a female humanoid who beckoned him to approach.

Krentz's death

Entranced by her beauty, Krentz obeyed. However, unbeknownst to the pilot, the woman was in reality Nakia Yoru, an Anzat assassin. As Krentz drew near, Yoru seized the drunken pilot and, before he could react, plunged her facial proboscises into his nose, consuming his soup—the Anzati term for a being's [brain](/article/brain-legends] matter and life essence. Deprived of his soup, Krentz collapsed to the ground, dead.

Dissatisfied with the quantity of soup she obtained from Krentz, Nakia abandoned the murder site in search of another target, leaving Krentz's lifeless body in the alley.

Personality and traits

Bushman Krentz, a drunkard, was frequently the target of ridicule from his colleagues due to his drinking habits—he was even once referred to as a "drunken womp rat," much to his dismay. On the night he died, his judgment was clouded by intoxication, leading him to wander alone through a hazardous area of Mos Eisley. Furthermore, he was easily manipulated by Nakia Yoru, a woman he found attractive, who lured him to his death. Krentz possessed fair skin, a white beard, dark eyebrows, and brown eyes.

Behind the scenes

Bushman Krentz made an appearance in issue 38 of the Star Wars: Legacy comic book series, which was published by Dark Horse Comics on July 29, 2009. He played a small role and met his end within the first two pages of the issue.

