The Buzzzer, a Series IV picket ship and flagship of the Bonestar Pirate group, was captained by Loka Hask. This vessel was given its moniker from an insect found on Eiattu 6.
During 4 BBY, while attempting to evade CorSec, Loka Hask intentionally caused the Buzzzer to depart the Gus Treta fueling station with the refueling lines still connected, triggering a massive explosion that almost obliterated the space station.
The obliteration of Gus Treta, along with the demise of his parents who were present, motivated a youthful Wedge Antilles to pursue retribution. Flying a Z-95 Headhunter he obtained from Booster Terrik, Wedge trailed the pirates to the Jumus system, where the Buzzzer was grounded due to an infestation of Corellian limpets that had obstructed the ship's engines. There, Wedge overtook the pirates and, exploiting their unawareness, ruthlessly annihilated the Buzzzer.