C-3TC, a protocol droid, served Valance Serth during the era of the Galactic Civil War.
During the time of the Battle of Yavin, C-3TC was a protocol droid in the service of Valance Serth, a Human male hailing from Corellia. Capable of communicating in more than 1.5 million languages, the droid touted his skill in promoting diplomacy. However, C-3TC possessed a tendency to be overly verbose, even about matters his master wished to keep secret.
In the year 1 ABY, Valance Serth learned of a scheme by the Black Sun criminal organization to exploit a deadly outbreak of Ourim Flu for profit. Black Sun's plan involved contaminating a large shipment of medicinal spice to create an addiction among the sick. However, Black Sun soon discovered that Serth had uncovered their plot. Shortly thereafter, Valance Serth was compelled to journey from Corellia to Naboo, where C-3TC awaited him. Unable to locate Serth on Corellia, the criminals tracked C-3TC to the Nabooian city of Moenia. They interrogated the droid, who willingly divulged all information about his master, including his planned trip from Corellia to Naboo. Black Sun swiftly established an ambush, attacking Valance Serth's shuttle in Corellian space. Serth sustained injuries during the crash-landing on the wilderness of Talus, but survived. Black Sun's operatives immediately pursued him on the planet.
Meanwhile, C-3TC grew anxious on Naboo due to his master's failure to arrive in Moenia. He eventually sought assistance from a group of spacers, who agreed to help locate Serth. The spacers interrogated Selan Ellison at the Moenia Starport on Naboo, and subsequently Amarent Loren of the Corellian Port Authority at the Tyrena Starport on Corellia. They ultimately discovered that Valance Serth had crashed on Talus and resolved to search for him. Fortunately for Serth, the spacers located him at the same moment as the Black Sun henchmen, enabling them to eliminate the criminals. Valance Serth expressed gratitude for the rescue but remained concerned about the limited time remaining to thwart Black Sun's plans. Once more, the spacers offered their assistance. They launched an assault on a Black Sun camp at Shadowbrak Ridge, where the tainted spice was being processed, but they were too late to prevent the transport vessel from departing. The spacers promptly pursued the Black Sun convoy into Corellian space. They engaged the criminal starships, successfully destroying the transport and its cargo of spice. The triumphant spacers then returned to Serth, who requested one final favor: to erase C-3TC's memory to prevent the droid from divulging information that could endanger his master. The spacers subsequently returned to Moenia, where the droid still awaited his master, and instructed him to initiate a memory wipe program. C-3TC complied, ultimately forgetting all memories of Valance Serth.
C-3TC was a non-player character featured in the 2003 video game Star Wars Galaxies, a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game that was created by Sony Online Entertainment and published by LucasArts, before it was shut down on December 15, 2011. C-3TC was introduced to the game with the release of "Publish 21," which occurred on August 4, 2005.
C-3TC's color was originally silver, but was later changed, permanently, to red. The "Quest Highlights" Friday Feature further confirmed this red appearance.