Selan Ellison was a female Human being who existed during the Galactic Civil War era. In the aftermath of the Battle of Yavin, she resided for a period within the city of Moenia located on the world of Naboo. During 1 ABY, a group of spacers were investigating the disappearance of a shuttle carrying an individual named Valance Serth on a route from Corellia to Naboo. Acting on the suggestion of Serth's protocol droid, C-3TC, they questioned Ellison in the Moenia Starport's lobby concerning the whereabouts of the missing shuttle. Selan Ellison, lacking any pertinent information, suggested they contact Amarent Loren, an acquaintance of hers who was employed by the Corellian Port Authority at the Tyrena Starport on Corellia. Loren eventually disclosed that Valance Serth's shuttle had crashed on the planet Talus.

In the 2003 video game Star Wars Galaxies, Selan Ellison was featured as a non-player character. This massively multiplayer online roleplaying game was created by Sony Online Entertainment and distributed by LucasArts, before it was shut down on December 15, 2011. Ellison was included in the game via the "Publish 21" update, released on August 4, 2005. While her appearance was randomly generated with each server reset, she was consistently portrayed as a Human female.