The C-8 saboteur droid represented a sophisticated iteration of spy and battle droid technology, seeing deployment by the Confederacy of Independent Systems throughout the duration of the Clone Wars.
The C-8 saboteur battle droid, with a height of 1.7 meters, possessed a comparatively compact stature. Their designated role involved the covert disruption of enemy emplacements. To facilitate this, their humanoid forms were constructed with matte-black plating and unexpressive faceplates. The plating incorporated sophisticated sensor masking systems, enabling the droids to achieve tactical surprise before swiftly retreating from view. Their programming incorporated hit-and-run combat doctrines, which defined their operational procedures. Internal compartments housed their armaments, ensuring that their weaponry remained concealed, complementing the droid's stealth capabilities.
During combat scenarios, these saboteur droids operated in small, autonomous squads, functioning independently from larger droid [divisions](/article/division]. When confronting entrenched or static objectives, they sometimes received demolition explosives to aid their infiltration efforts. These small droid teams were generally deployed to appear unexpectedly, inflict maximum damage, and then vanish amid the ensuing confusion after their assault.
The saboteur Kaj Loomit employed a pair of these droids in his attempt to obliterate simulation chambers located on Kamino.
The initial depiction of the C-8 saboteur droid occurred on Fantasy Flight Games's website, specifically within the article titled Worlds at War, which promoted the forthcoming sourcebook, Rise of the Separatists. The droid's formal identification took place within Rise of the Separatists upon its release on May 9, 2019.