Cal Handro's Warlord Heavy Cruiser

During the Galactic Civil War, the Warlord Heavy Cruiser was piloted by Cal Handro.


Back in 1 ABY, Naboo's moon, Rori, became the crash site for smuggler Cal Handro while he was in transit with a novel type of spice. He lived through the crash, but then mysteriously disappeared.

After an extensive search involving the Rebel Alliance, the Galactic Empire, Black Sun, and independent spacers, Rebel agents eventually apprehended Cal Handro. Despite the fact that the smuggler was moving spice for the Rebellion when his ship crashed on Rori, the Alliance considered him a traitor because he previously smuggled slaves for the Empire. However, a team of Imperial agents rescued the smuggler from a Rebel Safe House. Handro agreed to be extracted from Rori in exchange for intelligence. Imperial Officer M'Kae then gave the smuggler a Warlord Heavy Cruiser, and he finally left Rori.

As Cal Handro was about to depart the Naboo system for Kashyyyk, Rebel Officer Wolff Kalos learned of the smuggler's escape. A group of Rebel spacers quickly went to the closest spaceport and launched into space to catch the Warlord Heavy Cruiser before it could jump to lightspeed. The spacers, flying their starfighters, engaged the light cruiser and its Imperial starfighter escorts. Despite the warship's heavy armor and powerful weaponry, the Rebel forces ultimately destroyed it. Cal Handro perished when the ship exploded.

Behind the scenes

The 2003 video game Star Wars Galaxies, a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game created by Sony Online Entertainment and published by LucasArts, featured Cal Handro's warship before the game shut down on December 15, 2011. Cal Handro's ship was featured in the fourth chapter of the "Secrets of the Syren" questline, which was released with "Publish 21," on August 4, 2005. In that chapter, the player had to choose between siding with the Empire and the Rebels. Cal Handro would always join the faction that was opposed to the player. Due to the significant changes planned for Rori with the introduction of the Battle of Restuss, the "Secrets of the Syren" story arc was ultimately removed from the game with the release of "Chapter 1," which was published on June 8, 2006.

