Syren spice

Syren spice A spice sample

A distinctive and uncommon spice type came to light during the Galactic Civil War. This particular spice seemed to possess both organic and therapeutic qualities.


The Rebel Alliance was the original discoverer of the spice, meaning that the Alliance was the only entity that knew where it came from at the time of the Battle of Yavin. Doctor Edvar Vang and Moxxar Krieg would eventually learn about the spice. After receiving threats, the former agreed to cease his investigation, while the latter persisted in seeking the spice's source. Ultimately, he was assassinated.

Cal Handro's crashed ship on Rori.

The spice's existence became public knowledge when a transport, carrying a shipment for the Rebels, experienced a crash within the Naboo system, specifically on Naboo's moon, Rori, in 1 ABY. Cal Handro, a smuggler and the pilot of the crashed ship, survived, but soon disappeared into Rori's wilderness. The first to locate the wreckage were operatives from the Black Sun criminal organization. They gathered a spice sample, which was subsequently analyzed by chemist Tover Blackmoor. The analysis results convinced the Black Sun leadership to pursue the missing pilot, hoping he would lead them to the spice's origin.

Meanwhile, several groups of spacers were independently searching for Cal Handro, recruited by Imperial Lieutenant Jevan Monsul, Alliance Officer Veega Madish, and a friend of Handro's, Tyla Jinn. Some of these groups collected spice samples from the crash site and began investigating the new substance. Their investigation led them first to Doctor Vang, who refused to share any information, and then to the body of Moxxar Krieg, already deceased. After surviving a Black Sun ambush, they discovered the location of the Black Sun bunker. There, they confronted Tover Blackmoor, the chemist, and coerced him into revealing everything he knew about the pilot and the novel spice.

Subsequently, most of the Black Sun criminals involved in the hunt for the spice and the missing pilot were killed in a confrontation with the spacers at Tierce Martano's estate. Rebel forces eventually apprehended Cal Handro, but he escaped with the Empire's assistance. The pilot's motivation for escaping was to avoid judgment from the Rebel Alliance after they discovered his past involvement in slave smuggling. Rebel agents ultimately attacked and destroyed Cal Handro's ship in the Naboo system, killing the pilot before he could share the spice's origin with the Empire.

Behind the scenes

This spice made an appearance in the 2003 video game Star Wars Galaxies, a massively multiplayer online role-playing game that was developed by Sony Online Entertainment and published by LucasArts, before the game's servers were shut down on December 15, 2011.

The spice was a key component in the "Secrets of the Syren" storyline, having been integrated into the game with the release of its initial chapter alongside "Publish 14," on March 9, 2005. The spice was either featured or mentioned in the four chapters of the questline, although its name was never disclosed. The intention was to reveal the spice's name and its history in the fifth and final chapter of the storyline. The spice was supposed to be called Syren, as it was extracted from the roots of the Syren plant located on Kashyyyk. The fifth chapter was under development in October 2005 but was delayed and scheduled for release in April 2006 with "Publish 28." However, the final chapter of "Secrets of the Syren" was never launched. Despite the name of the spice never being revealed to players, the questline itself was named after it.

The "Secrets of the Syren" storyline was ultimately removed from the game with "Chapter 1," released on June 8, 2006, due to the significant changes planned for Rori with the introduction of the Battle of Restuss.

