Veega Madish

During the era of the Galactic Civil War, Veega Madish served as a male officer within the ranks of the Rebel Alliance.


Throughout the conflict known as the Galactic Civil War, which pitted the Rebel Alliance against the Galactic Empire, Veega Madish held a position as an officer within the Rebel forces. Following the Battle of Yavin, his base of operations was established on the Core Worlds planet of Corellia, and he primarily conducted his activities from Tyrena's cantina.

Cal Handro's crashed ship on Rori.

In the year 1 ABY, Cal Handro, a smuggler, suffered a crash landing on Rori, a moon orbiting Naboo. He was shot down while transporting a novel form of spice intended for the Rebel Alliance. The attack resulted in his vessel plummeting onto the moon's surface. Deeply concerned about the fate of Handro's cargo, the Alliance tasked Veega Madish with spearheading an investigation into the incident.

Madish gathered a team of spacefarers on Corellia and dispatched them promptly to Rori to locate Cal Handro. Initial indications suggested that Handro had survived the crash, but he had disappeared into the surrounding wilderness. The team successfully located the wreckage of Cal Handro's ship in the Madyn Plains region of Rori. However, they found no sign of the smuggler himself, only Black Sun operatives also searching for the missing pilot. The spacefarers managed to recover Handro's datapad and a spice sample and delivered them to Veega Madish. Subsequently, the officer instructed the spacefarers to take the spice for analysis by a medic, Doctor Edvar Vang. Vang was already aware of the spice's existence, but he was too fearful to disclose any information. Instead, he suggested the spacefarers consult his friend Moxxar Krieg on Tatooine, only to discover that Krieg had been murdered at his place. Simultaneously, individuals working for Tyla Jinn, a friend of Handro, and for Imperial officer Jevan Monsul were also scouring Rori for the missing pilot.

The Black Sun bunker on Rori.

Shortly thereafter, Kaila Min, a frequent patron of the Gambling Hall in Narmle, contacted Veega Madish, claiming to have spotted Cal Handro in Rori's wilds. The spacefarers hurried to Handro's last known location, only to be ambushed by Black Sun enforcers. From these attackers, they learned the location of the Black Sun base on Rori. The spacefarers then launched a raid on the base, but Handro was not found there.

Veega Madish later found out that Cal Handro had a meeting with Wire, a Bothan information broker on Talus. The Bothan revealed to the spacefarers that Trussk, a slavemaster from the Blackscale Clan, had issued a death warrant for the smuggler, believing that Handro was interfering with their business by transporting slaves for a rival Trandoshan clan. Subsequently, the spacefarers attacked Trussk's fortress on Naboo, but once again, Handro was nowhere to be found.

Black Sun enforcers besieging the Martano estate.

Eventually, Cal Handro was located at the Martano estate on Rori. Consequently, Veega Madish instructed the spacefarers to approach Tierce Martano, a wealthy gambler, and persuade him to surrender the pilot to the Alliance. Given Martano's influential status, the Rebel officer preferred to avoid any direct confrontation. However, upon arriving at the estate, they discovered it was under siege by Black Sun enforcers. While the spacefarers engaged the criminals, Martano sent out a distress signal to both the Empire and the Rebel Alliance, as he was aware that both factions were searching for the smuggler. The adventurers ultimately eliminated all Black Sun forces and met with Tierce Martano. Eager to be rid of Handro, the gambler readily provided the spacefarers with Handro's location.

As the search for Handro neared its conclusion, Veega Madish received a sudden reassignment. Cal Handro was now considered a traitor for his involvement in smuggling slaves, and the Alliance sought to apprehend him. Rebel Officer Wolff Kalos was assigned to investigate the matter, and Madish advised the spacefarers to report to him immediately. Cal Handro ultimately perished in his starship during a space battle between Imperial and Rebel forces in the Naboo system.

Behind the scenes

Possible depictions of Veega Madish.

Within the 2003 video game Star Wars Galaxies, a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game created by Sony Online Entertainment and released by LucasArts, Veega Madish appeared as a non-player character. The game's servers were terminated on December 15, 2011. Veega Madish's introduction to the game occurred with the debut of the "Secrets of the Syren" questline's initial chapter, which was launched alongside "Publish 14" on March 9, 2005. The "Secrets of the Syren" narrative arc was removed from the game with the "Chapter 1," that was published on June 8, 2006, due to the major changes planed for Rori with the introduction of the Battle of Restuss.

Given that Veega Madish was generated using the standard "rebel_officer_questgiver" template, which employed six distinct Interchange File Formats, his visual representation was randomly selected from one of six potential appearances and was subject to change after each server reset. Despite this variability, the in-game dialogue consistently identified Madish as male.

