Tyla Jinn, a Human female operating as a criminal, made her home on Naboo during the era of the Galactic Civil War.
Subsequent to the Battle of Yavin, Tyla Jinn resided within the city limits of Theed, situated on Naboo. Functioning as a figure in the criminal underbelly, she was a common sight at the Theed Cantina. There was an incident where her arrest was narrowly avoided due to her harassment of an Imperial officer.

In the year 1 ABY, Cal Handro, a smuggler and a close associate of hers, experienced a crash while flying above Rori, Naboo's moon. He was transporting a novel form of spice intended for the Rebel Alliance, but he was ambushed and forced to crash-land on the moon. Jinn, despite claiming ignorance of her friend's illicit activities, enlisted a team of spacers to undertake a rescue mission for the pilot. Although he had survived the crash, he had disappeared into the wilderness. The spacers successfully pinpointed the crash location of Cal Handro's vessel within the Madyn Plains of Rori, but discovered no sign of the smuggler, only Black Sun thugs who were also searching for him. The spacers managed to retrieve Handro's datapad and a spice sample, which they then delivered to Tyla Jinn. She then instructed the spacers to deliver the spice for analysis to her cousin, Doctor Edvar Vang, despite their strained relationship. Vang was already aware of the spice's existence, but was too fearful to divulge any information. He suggested the spacers consult his acquaintance Moxxar Krieg on Tatooine, but Krieg was found murdered at his place. Simultaneously, spacers working for Imperial and Rebel officers Jevan Monsul and Veega Madish were also conducting searches for the missing pilot on Rori.

Shortly thereafter, Kaila Min, a woman who was a regular at the Gambling Hall in Narmle, got in touch with Tyla Jinn and falsely claimed that she had spotted Cal Handro in the wilds of Rori. The spacers immediately headed to the pilot's last known location, only to be ambushed by Black Sun operatives. They were able to extract the location of the Black Sun base on Rori from their attackers. The spacers then launched a raid on the base, but Handro was not there.
Later, Tyla Jinn discovered that Cal Handro had been in contact with Wire, a Bothan information broker, on Talus. The Bothan informed the spacers that Trussk, a slavemaster from the Blackscale Clan, had put a hit on the smuggler because he thought Handro was interfering with their business by transporting slaves for a rival Trandoshan clan. The spacers then launched an assault on Trussk's fortress on Naboo, but Handro was still nowhere to be found.

Eventually, Cal Handro was located at the Martano estate, which was located on Rori. Tyla Jinn instructed the spacers to meet with Tierce Martano, a wealthy gambler, to ensure the missing pilot's safety. Upon arriving at the estate, they found it under siege by Black Sun enforcers. While the spacers engaged the criminals, Martano sent out a distress signal to both the Empire and the Rebel Alliance, as he was aware that they were also looking for Handro. The adventurers successfully eliminated all Black Sun forces and met Tierce Martano. The gambler, eager to be rid of Handro, readily provided the spacers with his location. Furthermore, they learned from Martano that the Empire and the Rebellion were closing in and would likely find Handro soon. At that juncture, the spacers decided to disregard Tyla Jinn's instructions and continued their pursuit of the smuggler by aligning themselves with one of the two factions. Cal Handro ultimately met his demise aboard his starship during a space engagement between Imperial and Rebel forces within the Naboo system.

Tyla Jinn was a non-player character featured in the 2003 video game known as Star Wars Galaxies, a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game that was developed by Sony Online Entertainment and brought to the public by LucasArts. The game's servers were taken offline on December 15, 2011. Tyla Jinn was introduced to the game through the initial installment of the "Secrets of the Syren" questline, which was launched with "Publish 14," on March 9, 2005. The "Secrets of the Syren" narrative was removed from the game with "Chapter 1," which was released on June 8, 2006, due to the significant changes that were planned for Rori with the introduction of the Battle of Restuss.
Tyla Jinn's visual appearance was randomly assigned by the game, but she was always displayed as a Human female.