Physician Edvar Vang, a male Human medical professional, made his home on Rori during the tumultuous times of the Galactic Civil War.
Doctor Edvar Vang practiced medicine within the confines of the local medical facility situated in the city of Narmle. Despite being related to Tyla Jinn, a resident of Naboo, their relationship was strained. Throughout his professional life, Doctor Vang served both the Galactic Empire and the Rebel Alliance. He maintained connections with both Imperial and Rebel officers, specifically Jevan Monsul and Veega Madish.
Following the pivotal Battle of Yavin, Doctor Vang, alongside his associate Moxxar Krieg, came across a novel form of spice. While the Rebel Alliance engaged in its distribution, the formidable criminal syndicate known as the Black Sun also sought it. After their discovery and subsequent threats, Vang deemed the situation too perilous, while Krieg opted to continue his investigation into the spice's origins. Ultimately, Krieg met his demise via assassination at his house on Tatooine. In 1 ABY, a group of spacers, in their search for the missing pilot Cal Handro, stumbled upon a sample of this new spice. They presented it to Doctor Vang, who, unaware of Krieg's fate, urged them to question Krieg instead. The spacers then journeyed to Tatooine, only to discover Moxxar Krieg's lifeless body within his house in Mos Eisley.

Edvar Vang existed as a non-player character within the 2003 video game Star Wars Galaxies, a massively multiplayer online role-playing game created by Sony Online Entertainment and distributed by LucasArts, before the game's servers were shut down on December 15, 2011. Vang was integrated into the game as part of the initial installment of the "Secrets of the Syren" questline, which was released with "Publish 14" on March 9, 2005. The "Secrets of the Syren" narrative was subsequently removed from the game with "Chapter 1," published on June 8, 2006, due to the significant changes planned for Rori with the introduction of the Battle of Restuss.
The appearance of Edvar Vang would vary with each server reset, but he was consistently portrayed as a male Human using the "scientist_human_male" template.