Mon Cal, alternatively referred to as Calamarian, functioned as a writing system employed by the Mon Calamari people. Notably, certain commands utilized aboard the MC85 Star Cruiser known as the Raddus were expressed using Calamarian script. Rose Tico, a Resistance technician, successfully interpreted this script to facilitate the opening of the hangar bay doors, thereby rescuing Poe Dameron, a Resistance pilot.
The initial appearance of Calamarian occurred on a screen within the Rose Knows narrative, featured as the primary story in the sixth issue of Star Wars Adventures. Delilah S. Dawson authored the aforementioned story, while Derek Charm provided the illustrations. Within the context of Star Wars Legends continuity, the Mon Calamari possessed a language known as Mon Calamarian, encompassing both spoken and written forms. This language received its initial mention in The Star Wars Sourcebook, released in 1987, and subsequently made its debut in the 1994 novel titled Dark Apprentice.
The short story featured in Star Wars Insider, "Starlight: Shadows Remain," with its first segment appearing in Star Wars Insider 207 on December 14, 2021, brought the Mon Calamari language to light. As of now, a definitive connection between this language and the Calamarian writing system remains unconfirmed.