Starlight: Shadows Remain

"Starlight: Shadows Remain": This short story, penned by Justina Ireland, is a component of the Star Wars: The High Republic project. Functioning as the concluding chapter of The High Republic's Phase 1, it was initially released in two segments. The first appeared in the pages of Star Wars Insider 207 on December 14, 2021, followed by the second in Star Wars Insider 208 on January 25, 2022.

Storyline Summary

Segment 1

A dream plagues Ghal Tarpfen. The dream centers around her homeworld, Mon Cala, specifically her dismissal from the Mon Calamari Guard by King Shenrick, her former romantic partner. Upon waking, she is perplexed by the dream's recurrence, noting it has happened over a dozen times in the past year. Ghal then crosses paths with Administrator Velko Jahen, a colleague with whom the atmosphere is strained due to a recent issue involving Velko's ex, Vane Sarpo. Velko brings up the failure of cameras in corridor sixteen, a cause for concern given the impending arrival of Dalna's Vice President, Hackrack Bep, at Starlight Beacon. Ghal makes the decision to place Bep in accommodations close to those of Senator Ghirra Starros, who is also visiting the space station, before she seeks rest. However, the Mon Calamari's attempt to sleep is once again shattered by the recurring dream. Summoned to the security tower by Velko, Ghal learns that a message, specifically coded to her ID, has arrived. After reviewing it in private, Ghal is alarmed to see a Nihil demanding she disable the security cameras in corridors sixteen, twenty-three, and eighty-four during the station's upcoming night cycle.

Ghal realizes the blackmail has been meticulously orchestrated over months through seemingly innocuous holomessages tied to her past, and she concludes that the Nihil are aware of her past relationship with Shenrick. Though Ghal's history is insignificant to the Republic, its revelation would enrage Mon Cala traditionalists and tarnish both Shenrick and, more importantly to Ghal, her family. Moreover, the message's encryption is undeniably authentic, indicating the marauders have collaborators within the Republic's upper echelons. Troubled by the existing camera malfunction in corridor sixteen, near Senator Starros' suite, Ghal instructs a droid to specifically monitor that area and decides to investigate herself after informing Velko of her intentions, withholding the message's contents. Upon arriving and searching the area, Ghal discovers a suspiciously ajar door, revealing an unconscious Theelin male. A stranger suddenly appears, uttering in Mon Calamari that Ghal should have complied, before an unseen attacker incapacitates the security chief. Before losing consciousness, Ghal identifies the dark-skinned human woman who spoke to her as Ghirra Starros.

Segment 2

Velko Jahen, stationed on Starlight Beacon, is preparing for a meeting with Controller Rodor Keen concerning Ghal Tarpfen's disappearance of three days. Despite her reluctance, the evidence points to Ghal being a traitor. Vice President Bep, who arrived at the Beacon with Padawan Imri Cantaros seeking assistance regarding suspected Nihil activity, was attacked in his suite, yet he recalls nothing of the assault, and the security footage was erased by someone using Ghal's security credentials. Velko struggles to accept it, finding it illogical, but as the scheduled time for the meeting approaches, she cannot dismiss the incriminating evidence, regardless of her efforts.

In another location, Ghal awakens, restrained in the galley of an unfamiliar starship. The dryness of her skin suggests she has been unconscious for at least a day, and as she considers whether she was exposed to knockout gas, she concludes Ghirra must have had an accomplice. Assessing her situation while battling rising panic, Ghal determines she is aboard a newer vessel and reminds herself to conserve her strength to uncover the truth. The fact that she is still alive is a positive sign, indicating the Nihil believe they can exploit her, granting her a fighting chance. Shortly after, an Aqualish pirate arrives, pleased to see Ghal awake. When Ghal inquires about her location, the pirate reveals they are in No-Space and that she will be kept alive as long as the Senator has need of her. Noticing the pirate possesses the fob for her restraints, Ghal requests [water](/article/water], truthfully stating her skin is dry while feigning weakness. Scornfully, the Aqualish retrieves a spritzer from a cabinet, and Ghal swiftly kicks at her with her unrestrained feet, subduing her, before manipulating the fob with one foot until her restraints release. Securing the unconscious pirate in the restraints, Ghal finds herself parched and uses the galley's food unit to obtain a drink and pour water on herself, distrusting the spritzer. She then embarks on exploring the ship.

On Starlight, Velko encounters Marshal Avar Kriss upon arriving at Rodor's office, receiving a nod from the woman. However, she is surprised to find Jedi Master Estala Maru also attending the meeting with the controller, and Rodor explains that Maru is there for the same reason. Maru expresses concern that Ghal is not on Starlight Beacon. Velko suggests she may have fled, and Maru counters that someone was extorting her, inquiring if Velko had any knowledge of this. Velko denies any awareness, noting that they have all been stretched thin due to the Nihil situation, which is why she didn't notice anything, secretly believing she couldn't have helped. Maru states that from his observations, the extortion appeared mostly benign, but Ghal was receiving numerous messages from the same source, and he is still attempting to trace their origin. Rodor speculates that Ghal may have pursued the individuals attempting to extort her, but Velko confirms there is no footage of her leaving Starlight. Acknowledging Ghal's competence, Rodor expresses hope that they can assist her wherever she may be.

While exploring the ship, Ghal finds it largely deserted. Only upon reaching the cockpit does she encounter a Chagrian woman piloting it, who detects Ghal as she attempts to approach stealthily. The woman remarks that Ghal is supposed to be in the galley, but after restraining her opponent, Ghal identifies her as Jeni Wataro, aide to Senator Izzet Noor. Wataro clarifies that she only works for herself, and occasionally, the Eye of the Nihil. An alert sounds, and Wataro boasts that they are about to encounter another ship and that, given their location, it won't be anyone from the Republic. Choking Wataro unconscious, Ghal ensures she is still breathing before removing her from the cockpit and locking the door. Lacking piloting skills and having not flown in years, Ghal struggles to understand the controls, further complicated by their labeling in an unfamiliar language other than Galactic Basic.

Ghal's hope diminishes, as she is unable to fly the ship back to Starlight. She attempts to use the control yoke but discovers its settings are locked, and further manipulation of the controls yields no results. Overwhelmed by defeat, a feeling reminiscent of her rejection by Shenrick, Ghal notices three approaching ships and anticipates imminent attack. The communications unit beeps as the new ships attempt to communicate, and Ghal believes the Nihil have triumphed. Taking a deep breath, Ghal resolves to warn the Republic about the traitors within its ranks. How many others besides Starros and Wataro could be collaborating with the Nihil? Opening a comm channel, Ghal selects a range of frequencies, primarily Starlight ones, as well as some Mon Cal ones. Given her remote location, she knows the chances of being heard are slim. She decides to transmit a simple voice message: "My name is Ghal Tarpfen, Head of Security for Starlight Beacon. I have been kidnapped by the Nihil, and by the time you hear this message I will most likely be dead."

Ghal proceeds to state that the Galactic Senate has been compromised, identifying Starros and Wataro and cautioning that there may be other spies. She repeats her full message multiple times before setting it on a loop as the Nihil ships begin their assault. Others start pounding on the cockpit door, and Wataro attempts to order Ghal to unlock the escape shuttles. Ghal truthfully responds that she doesn't know how, and Wataro pleads to be let in so she can answer the challenge question, accusing her of condemning them to death. Shouting back, Ghal retorts that she had family on Valo who likely begged for someone to save them as well. As the pounding ceases, Ghal leans back in her chair and sings herself a lullaby that her mother sang to her as a child. A better death than she could have hoped for.

Velko is awakened during her sleep shift, finding someone urgently knocking on her door. Upon opening it, she encounters Imri Cantaros, who informs her that Maru attempted to contact her via comms, but she didn't hear, and he wants her to listen to something. Velko asks for a moment before quickly putting on her uniform and accompanying him to the command hub. Maru informs her he has news and plays an audio message from a comms unit: "Ghal Tarpfen…kidnapped…Nihil…Senate is compromised…there might be other spies…the Republic…" As the remnants of Ghal's message repeat, mostly static, Velko asks where the rest is and what might be missing. Maru admits he is unsure, as this is all they have been able to recover, adding that he is reaching out to other security units to see if they received anything similar but wanted to inform Velko first. Nodding, Velko realizes Ghal must be dead and was likely far from Republic control when she sent her final message, making every effort to send the warning as her last act. She asks Maru to send a copy of the message to her personal queue, and he agrees, offering condolences for her loss.

Velko wanders the station, ending up on an observation deck to contemplate Ghal's words, particularly regarding Nihil spies in the Senate and Republic. She wonders how Ghal discovered this and if it was the reason for her disappearance. Velko reflects on what she learned from Ghal during their time together, acknowledging that she learned a great deal and that Ghal was a strong ally. Velko Jahen is certain that the Nihil were involved in Ghal Tarpfen's fate and vows to uncover who was behind her abduction, ensuring justice is served. Furthermore, Velko pledges to guide Starlight Beacon through any future challenges. She owes Ghal that much.

