Hackrack Bep

Hackrack Bep was a male Theelin who held the position of Vice President for the planet Dalna during the age of the High Republic Era. Bep was married to Zian, who was his husband, and they had a son named Theo. In the year 230 BBY, pirates of the Nihil, specifically a Tempest, who had been menacing the Outer Rim Territories, abducted Theo. They held him as a hostage in order to dissuade Bep and the Dalnan government from acting against their operations taking place on Dalna.

Not long after the kidnapping occurred, Jedi Knight Vernestra Rwoh, accompanied by her Padawan, Imri Cantaros, made their way to Dalna while investigating possible Nihil involvement. They successfully rescued Theo, aided by Jedi who were based at the Temple on Dalna. After it became evident that the Nihil's actions posed a threat to all inhabitants of the geologically fragile planet, Bep journeyed alongside Cantaros to the Starlight Beacon space station to request assistance. While aboard Starlight, Bep was assaulted by Senator Ghirra Starros, a traitorous member of the Galactic Republic, and her collaborators, with Cantaros later finding the injured politician after the attack.

