
Zian was a Theelin male who was married to Hackrack Bep, who held the office of Vice President on the planet of Dalna. Back in 230 BBY, the couple experienced a tragedy when their son, Theo, was abducted by the marauders known as the Nihil while he was at the south meadowlands and concealed within the Maawat Mountains; however, a group of Jedi found him, including Jedi Knight Vernestra Rwoh along with her Padawan, Imri Cantaros. The Jedi then escorted Theo back to the vice president's house located in Saludad, where Zian was overjoyed to see his son again and expressed his gratitude to the Jedi for their help, before mentioning that Bep wanted to have a word with them.

Behind the scenes

Justina Ireland penned the junior novel Mission to Disaster in 2022 as part of Phase I of the Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia project; Zian appeared in this story.

