
Calgriz, also known as Dirty Calgriz, was a Quarren of the male persuasion. Before the events of the Invasion of Naboo, Darth Maul made his way to Nar Shaddaa seeking details about the Crime lord known as Xev Xrexus. A bartender cautioned Maul against his inquiries, but Calgriz chose to intervene. Maul, unimpressed, promptly ejected Calgriz from the establishment after Calgriz implied a connection between Maul and the Jedi. Despite not using the Force, Maul easily defeated Calgriz and his associates. In a desperate move, Calgriz managed to temporarily blind the Sith by projecting ink into his face. With Maul incapacitated, Calgriz leveled his blaster, ready to deliver the final blow. However, before he could fire, Maul used the Force to launch a dagger into Calgriz's chest, resulting in his immediate death. Shortly thereafter, Calgriz's companions suffered a comparable end at the hands of Cad Bane, Aurra Sing, and Vorhdeilo.

