Candra Tymon was a Human female, holding the position of Chief of Security for Adan Dooku during the period of the Imperial era. As the daughter of Dooku's previous security chief, her dedication to her responsibilities was profound.
Before Candra's father, he was in charge of security for Adan Dooku. Dooku designated Candra as his replacement, despite skepticism from many on Serenno, including her own father, regarding a woman's ability to lead a security team.
While Dooku was in a confidential discussion with Bail Organa within the Aldera Royal Palace, she went onto a balcony. Spotting the glint of a sniper's scope, she tried to intercept the shot. Regrettably, Tymon's reaction was too slow, failing to prevent Dooku's assassination. She pursued the assassin, managing to fire a couple of shots. However, the assassin's Mandalorian armor protected him, and she could only watch his escape while hanging from a broken ladder that the assassin had sabotaged.
Subsequently, Tymon oversaw security at the Great Assembly House on Serenno as the six lords from prominent houses convened to select a new regent to succeed Count Dooku. Later, she was in charge of the protection and security of Bron Dooku aboard the vessel known as the Windrunner. She defended the young Count and the other lords from an assault led by Aveca Dunn, Captain Ramchak and his pirate group, the Bloodskull. Although she secured their surrender, Dunn managed to kidnap Bron. She remained on the Windrunner, supervising the repair efforts.
Seeking assistance in rescuing the young count, Tymon contacted Imperial Envoy Jahan Cross. Tymon informed Cross that Dunn had been taken to the Spike, where she intended to interrogate her upon her awakening. She traveled to the Spike to confer with warden Gundren about speaking with Dunn. During their conversation, a power outage occurred. Arming herself with a blaster, Tymon went to check on Dunn. Discovering Dunn disguised in a guard uniform, she was then incapacitated by Cross, who was also disguised as a guard. Dunn and Cross abandoned her, leaving her to be transported to a med center. Due to her failure to safeguard Bron and the escape of Dooku's kidnapper, Vex, from her prison, the security forces relieved Tymon of her position as Chief of Security of House Dooku.
Later, Tymon arranged a meeting with Cross at the Diner Port cantina located near the Serenno Spaceport. Upon learning from Cross about his role in freeing Vex, she attacked him, intent on killing him. She persisted in fighting even after Cross revealed that Duke Rodas Borgin had hired Vex. It was only then that she understood her duty to protect Bron. She piloted the bongo that transported her and Cross to Otoh Dooku to retrieve the boy. Tymon and Cross infiltrated the underwater base, proceeding to the room where Bron was held. After Cross neutralized the MK 8001 Attendant Droid guarding Bron, Tymon equipped herself and Bron with rebreathers and swam to the bongo, while Cross diverted security by escaping in a Manta droid subfighter. Aboard the submersible, Bron expressed his wish that no one would die for him. The security officer explained to Bron that people dying were serving their duty to the Count and he should accept and honor their sacrafice. The bongo was detected and came under attack from Hovus Jorrick and two other security guards in Mantas. She managed to evade their attacks long enough for Cross to return and drive off the attackers.
However, upon arriving at the Serenno Spaceport, Tymon, Cross, and Count Dooku were confronted by the bounty hunter Boba Fett. She shielded the young Count from Fett, Hovus Jorrick, and his security force. Before leaving Cross to ensure the Count's safety, Tymon kissed Cross. She then commandeered Jorrick's speeder and headed towards a ship. Unbeknownst to her, Cross had rigged the Imperial Diplomatic Shuttle Nine-Nine-Three to explode, leading Jorrick, Lord Borgin, and Fett to believe the young Count had perished.