Chewie's Day Off

"Chewie's Day Off" is a tale told in the pages of a comic book, focusing on the adventures of Chewbacca alongside Han Solo. This particular story debuted as the primary feature in Star Wars Adventures (2017) 14, hitting shelves on September 26 of 2018.

Plot summary

Seeking Respite

Han Solo, a noted smuggler, found himself piloting through a hazardous asteroid field, much to his chagrin, with Chewbacca, his faithful Wookiee companion. These two had dedicated the past three days to a task nearing completion. Solo, increasingly frustrated, demanded Chewbacca's assistance, but in a moment of distraction, the Millennium Falcon narrowly avoided a collision with a massive asteroid. Eventually, Solo skillfully navigated them to the planet named Marquinn.

Han Solo was under the impression that they had successfully evaded Vullen Candroon's pursuit, triggered by their theft of sabacc cards. Solo's immediate desire was to visit the casino to gamble and hopefully acquire some credits, a proposition Chewbacca strongly opposed. Solo, brushing off his concerns, suggested Chewbacca take some time to unwind as they went their separate ways.

Relaxation Gone Wrong

Having changed into a bathrobe, Chewbacca engaged in a conversation with Zefin Tuzo, who presented him with various options for relaxation. While a droid was tending to his toes, Vullen Candroon managed to pinpoint his location and initiated an attack. Reacting swiftly, Chewbacca detached the head of the nearby droid and hurled it at Candroon. Chewbacca dodged Candroon's blaster fire and fled, but before Candroon could give chase, the droid head Chewbacca had thrown grabbed him. Freeing himself, Candroon turned to see the Wookiee charging towards him, tackling him into a nearby store. The impact sent them both crashing through the store's wall and into a series of floating pools. Candroon landed in a pool, while Chewbacca plunged through the other side.

Chewbacca attempted to return to the pool area, but Zefin Tuzo and her guards intercepted him. Candroon reappeared, and they surrounded Chewbacca. In a quick move, Chewbacca pressed a button on a nearby control panel, unleashing a torrent of soap all over Vullen Candroon, but then Tuzo's guards began to close in.

Simultaneously, at the casino, Han Solo was in negotiations with potential clients regarding employment under Tuzo and profiting from the stolen sabacc cards. Just as Solo believed he had secured a deal, the others revealed their blasters and aimed them at him. However, Chewbacca burst into the scene, launching a droid at the wall beside Solo.

The casino erupted into chaos as guards entered and opened fire on the duo. Opting for a hasty escape, Chewbacca hoisted Solo onto his back and leaped to the ground floor. As they bolted through the city streets, Solo returned fire at the pursuing guards. They successfully reached the Millennium Falcon and made their escape from the planet. Once safely away, Chewbacca quipped that it was the most relaxing day he'd ever had.

