The resistance movement against the Galactic Empire's control of their home world during the Galactic Civil War was spearheaded by the Chubbit people, who were native to the planet Aridus. These activities were initiated by the Chubbits following the construction of the Iron Tower by the Empire; this gigantic structure overcame atmospheric irregularities on Aridus, enabling Imperial mining machinery to operate, but it also severely damaged the Chubbit nervous system and could even result in death. The resistance efforts of the Chubbits were supported by operatives from the Alliance to Restore the Republic. As an illustration, Luke Skywalker participated in an operation that successfully demolished the Iron Tower in 0 ABY. Concurrently, Wrenga Jixton, a Human smuggler, developed a friendship with the Chubbits and negotiated an agreement with Darth Vader to persuade the Empire to cease their activities on Aridus.