Clarr'ivl'exow, otherwise known as Rivlex (core name), was a male Chiss who held the position of Patriarch for the Clarr family within the Chiss Ascendancy. Located on the planet Rhigar, he maintained a strict rule that denied landing rights to any spacecraft not of Chiss origin. An associate of Generalirius Nakirre, named "Jixtus," sought to communicate with the Patriarch regarding a perceived danger originating from inside the Ascendancy, while aboard the Kilji war cruiser named Whetstone. Captain Clarr'os'culry, nicknamed "Roscu," wanted to determine the value of the information before relaying it to Rivlex; however, because the Patriarch's rule barred Jixtus from landing on Rhigar, Roscu instead consented to a meeting on the Whetstone.