Clarr family

The Clarr family, a Chiss family, held a position as one of the Nine Ruling Families within the Chiss Ascendancy. This status meant they had representation in both the Chiss Syndicure and the Aristocra.

Unlike numerous other Ruling families, the Clarr's Homestead wasn't situated on Csilla, the Chiss home planet; instead, it was located on Rhigar.

During the time of the Nikardun campaigns, the Clarr family maintained a competitive relationship with their fellow Ruling Dasklo family. Syndic Prime Mitth'urf'ianico stated that the Clarr family did not have strong alliances to other families, except for a slight preference for the Irizi family.

Behind the scenes

The Clarr family made its initial appearance in Thrawn Ascendancy: Chaos Rising, a 2020 novel which is the first installment of The Ascendancy Trilogy authored by Timothy Zahn.

