Irizi family

The Irizi family held a position as one of the Nine Ruling Families within the structure of the Chiss Ascendancy. Within the political landscape, they maintained alliances with the Ufsa while standing as rivals to the Mitth and the Obbic family. They also sought a partnership with the Ruling Chaf family, and were further connected to the Coduyo family and the Xodlak family, both of the Great Families.

The Irizi family had a significant presence in the Ascendancy's Defense Force, and they were known for their understanding of warfare. Admiral Ar'alani was originally Irizi'ar'alani, a blood of the Irizi family also known by the core name Ziara. Later in her career, upon promotion within the Chiss Expansionary Defense Fleet, she ceased to be affiliated with any family. On one occasion, Mitth'raw'nuruodo received an offer to join the Irizi family as a Trial-born, which he turned down. Irizi'stal'mustro, fearing the increased honor Thrawn would bring to the Mitth, dedicated himself to discrediting Thrawn, ultimately leading to the Mitth's banishment.

The Grysk named "Jixtus" and his Agbui operative Haplif intended to ignite a civil war within the Chiss Ascendancy. Their strategy involved manipulating the Irizi-allied Xodlak family into a conflict with two rival Great Families. Each Great family involved in the plot had ties to a different Ruling family. The Grysk believed that conflict between the Great Families would extend to their allied Ruling Families, and subsequently engulf the entire Ascendancy. The alliances the Grysk aimed to exploit included the Erighal family allied with the Dasklo family, the Pommrio family and the Plikh family, and the Xodlak family, which was in league with the Irizi family.

Behind the scenes

The Irizi family made their debut in the 2020 novel Thrawn Ascendancy: Chaos Rising, which is the first installment of The Ascendancy Trilogy written by Timothy Zahn. Although Admiral Ar'alani was introduced in the 2017 novel Thrawn, she was no longer affiliated as a member of the Irizi family by that point.

