Classic Star Wars: The Early Adventures 3

Classic Star Wars: The Early Adventures Number 3 represented the third installment in the Classic Star Wars: The Early Adventures comic book collection.

This specific Classic collection consisted of recolored and reworked editions of the Star Wars daily newspaper strip originally created by Russ Manning.

Publisher's Synopsis

Luke, after his eventual rendezvous with the Vorzyd 5 rebels, is chosen to connect with the clandestine government source, someone pivotal in aiding the Rebel Alliance's fight against the Empire. However, as he acts on the directions to find this contact, Blackhole's elite stormtrooper squad keeps a close watch! Simultaneously, Princess Leia finds herself abducted by a band of freelies, a group uninterested in aligning with either the Rebel Alliance or the Empire!


  • Gambler's World

Included Within

  • Classic Star Wars: The Early Adventures (TPB)
  • Star Wars Legends Epic Collection: The Newspaper Strips Vol. 1

Cover Images

Additional Information and Sources
