Classic Star Wars: The Early Adventures 5

Classic Star Wars: The Early Adventures #5 represents the fifth installment in the series titled Classic Star Wars: The Early Adventures.

These specific Classic issues presented recolored and reformatted versions of the Star Wars newspaper comic strip originally created by Russ Manning.

Synopsis Provided by the Publisher

After narrowly avoiding an Imperial blockade, Princess Leia is compelled to make an emergency landing on a nearby world... which unfortunately turns out to be an Imperial labor colony! It is there that she uncovers the colony's role as a primary source of the unstable megonite moss, a crucial component in Imperial ammunition. Adding to her troubles, Leia is forced into servitude by Lady Tarkin, the bitter and grieving widow of Grand Moff Tarkin, who perished on the Death Star. Leia must now devise a plan to escape a colony teeming with Imperials, on a planet where even a small error could prove fatal!

Included Stories

  • Princess Leia, Imperial Servant

Reprinted In

  • Classic Star Wars: The Early Adventures (TPB)
  • Star Wars Legends Epic Collection: The Newspaper Strips Vol. 1

Cover Images

Additional Information and Sources
