Cloak of Deception

Cloak of Deception, penned by James Luceno, unfolds its narrative tapestry just shy of a year before the events of Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace transpire. The audio rendition of the story is voiced by Alexander Adams. Notably, the paperback edition incorporated a 15-page preview from The New Jedi Order: Enemy Lines I: Rebel Dream.

Publisher's summary


Back cover

The potential demise of a significant figure could trigger the Republic's downfall and the irreversible ascendance of the dark side

Inside flap

Ensnared by avarice, marred by moral decay, and entangled in bureaucratic complexities, the Galactic Republic teeters on the brink of collapse. In the remote sectors, the Trade Federation exerts a firm grip on trade routes, causing tensions to escalate. Meanwhile, in the opulent heart of Coruscant, the center of civilization and the Republic's governing seat, few senators display any inclination to delve into the matter. Those who suspect Supreme Chancellor Valorum's involvement in these schemes find themselves perplexed, particularly when Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn and his apprentice, Obi-Wan Kenobi, thwart an attempt to assassinate the Chancellor.

As the crisis intensifies, Valorum convenes an emergency trade summit. As beings from different worlds gather, clandestine plots fueled by substantial sums of money proliferate, casting suspicion on all. However, the most formidable danger remains concealed from all but three members of the Trade Federation, who have forged a clandestine alliance with a shadowy overlord. While the trio seeks only greater wealth and fewer complications, Darth Sidious harbors more ambitious and terrifying designs.

This era tests the resolve of all who endeavor to preserve the Republic, especially the Jedi Knights, who have long served as the galaxy's foremost hope for upholding peace and justice. Yet, despite their valiant endeavors, the summit will erupt into a cataclysmic chaos exceeding everyone's worst nightmares…


The Galactic Republic is decaying, trapped in a web of corruption and bureaucracy. Tensions are rising in the outer systems, where the Trade Federation has a tight grip on shipping lanes. Now, even the comfort of Coruscant is threatened, as Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn and his apprentice Obi-Wan Kenobi prevent an assassination attempt on Supreme Chancellor Valorum.

As humans and aliens come together for an emergency trade summit, conspiracies fueled by large amounts of money are rampant, and no one is entirely above suspicion. The greatest threat remains hidden from everyone except three members of the Trade Federation, who have secretly allied with a dark overlord. While they desire more money and fewer problems, Darth Sidious has much larger, more terrifying plans.

Opening crawl

Plot summary

Cloak of Deception is structured into four distinct sections: Dorvalla, Coruscant, The Outlying Systems, and The Inner Circle.

In the time leading up to the Battle of Naboo (32 BBY), Darth Sidious advances his machinations. As Senator Palpatine, he skillfully manipulates Supreme Chancellor Valorum and other senators. Simultaneously, in his guise as the Sith Master, he strategically positions the Neimoidians and the Trade Federation to initiate a blockade of Naboo.

A terrorist organization known as the Nebula Front poses a threat to the Trade Federation's operations. They protest the Trade Federation's actions and are willing to use any means to disrupt them. They have engaged Captain Arwen Cohl to execute terrorist acts against their business, including the theft of aurodium ingots, valued in the billions, from a Trade Federation ship orbiting Dorvalla. However, Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi are in pursuit of the terrorists. Although Cohl manages to escape, he is forced to crash-land, resulting in the deaths of all but himself and two of his crew members, Rella and Boiny. He subsequently flees in his ship, the Hawk-Bat.

Concerned about further complications, the Trade Federation appeals to the Galactic Senate for permission to increase their number of droid fighters, battle droids, and other defensive measures. Valorum considers this request, but only if he can impose taxes on some of the trade routes they control (acting on Palpatine's advice). This proposal ignites a debate, leading to the scheduling of a summit on Eriadu to address the issue.

Taking drastic measures, the Nebula Front initiates plans to assassinate Supreme Chancellor Valorum at the summit to prevent the taxation. Cohl has been contracted by a mysterious entity known only as Havac. He journeys throughout the Outer Rim, recruiting several skilled assassins. Unbeknownst to him, however, Havac (secretly allied with Darth Sidious) has an ulterior motive. Meanwhile, the Jedi Council, along with Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan, intervenes to track down Captain Cohl and the prospective assassins.

On Eriadu, Cohl deploys his accomplices throughout the capital city. He is ambushed by Havac after realizing the true target. The Jedi capture most of the assassins outside the summit building, but one remains inside. This sniper has been instructed to fire at Valorum but intentionally miss. The Jedi locate Cohl and his partner Boiny, who, wounded, agrees to assist them. They discover the sniper a moment too late but are surprised when he misses Valorum. Cohl then recalls Havac's true intention: to assassinate the Trade Federation Directorate. Cohl confronts Havac and kills him, though he and Boiny sustain fatal injuries in the process. Suddenly, the battle droids activate their blasters, influenced by the single droid present that did not require a Central Control Computer to function. With a shield activated for safety, the members of the Trade Federation are trapped. The droids kill them all while the crowd watches, stunned. The only survivors were the Neimoidian members, who were away to their ship which had been tampered with. In the ensuing shock, the bill to tax is passed by the Senate. Later, the leading members of the Federation are named. They are all Neimoidians. Darth Sidious later meets Nute Gunray on the bridge of his ship, suggesting they invade Naboo for revenge against Palpatine, who helped pass the bill. Little do they know that it is just part of the Sith Lord's plan for control of the galaxy.


While crafting Cloak of Deception, James Luceno had access to the script of the then-unreleased Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones. George Lucas specifically requested that Luceno incorporate a character that would appear in the film. Being the first Star Wars novel penned after the Attack of the Clones script's completion, Cloak of Deception marked the initial appearance of numerous characters and concepts that would later debut on screen in the film, including the Techno Union, Passel Argente, and other Separatists.

Initially, Cloak of Deception was titled Vengeance: Cloak of Deception. Given that the events of The Phantom Menace unfold after those in Deception, Luceno drew a parallel between The Hobbit's relationship with The Lord of the Rings trilogy and Deception's connection to the broader Star Wars saga. Luceno intentionally dedicated effort to thoroughly introduce and elucidate the Jedi Order, the Galactic Republic, Lightsabers, the Galactic Senate, and various other elements.



