The cloak of Nuun, occasionally referred to as the cloak of the Nuun, represented a unique type of biot employed by the Yuuzhan Vong.
Functioning as a specialized relative to the ooglith cloaker, the cloak of Nuun possessed a symbiotic layer of photosensitive bacteria. This layer enabled wearers to become invisible by responding to their environment and enveloping them in a near-perfect visual replication of the backdrop against which they were traveling.
This particular biot was almost solely utilized by the Hunters, an exclusive division within the warrior caste. However, Nen Yim engineered an enhanced iteration specifically tailored for her own purposes. This advanced version allowed her to navigate areas surrounding the Supreme Overlord's Palace, where security systems would have identified even a Hunter. Seemingly, this modified cloak also shielded her mind from telepathic detection and diminished the perceived weight and motion of her physical form to the equivalent of a mere whisper of air.