"Chapter 22" represents the twenty-second installment of the animated television program Star Wars: Clone Wars, and furthermore, it is the second episode within Season Three as well as Volume Two. This particular episode was initially broadcasted on Cartoon Network specifically on March 22, 2005.

As General Oro Dassyne contemplates the number of Jedi required to overwhelm his base situated on Bomis Koori IV, a battle droid serving as a scout relays the information that Jedi forces are closing in—the general is taken aback to learn their numbers are only two: Obi-Wan Kenobi together with Anakin Skywalker. Enduring intense fire from Republic Attack Cruisers overhead in conjunction with ARC-170 starfighters, the pair of Jedi seize control of the base in mere moments. A series of scenes highlights Skywalker's courageous deeds throughout the Clone Wars: successfully destroying multiple droid tri-fighters during an audacious aerial engagement alongside Saesee Tiin, and the rescue of three Jedi (Voolvif Monn, Aayla Secura along with Agen Kolar) from an assault by crab droids.
Skywalker's starfighter touches down on Naboo, where he and Padmé Amidala share a poignant moment as she observes the scar on his face for the first time. Subsequently, they spend the night in each other's company.
Obi-Wan Kenobi awakens within an uncomfortable trench, and Commander Cody informs him that their ongoing assault targeting the nearby droid installation might potentially succeed in diminishing the shields within an approximate timeframe of three months. Kenobi reminds him that they have been stationed there for a month already, to which Cody responds by stating that they are adhering to the established schedule. Skywalker arrives carrying "lunch", which consists of a cloth filled with living insects and worms, which he offhandedly mentions he acquired from within the CIS base. The two Jedi proceed through the sewer system located beneath the base. Skywalker expresses his eagerness to engage the droids in combat, but Kenobi instead detonates the shield generator by utilizing small, spherical explosives, thereby emphasizing that alternatives to direct confrontation exist. With the shield system deactivated, their allied forces launch an invasion of the CIS base.
On Kashyyyk, two Wookiees, named Tarkov together with his son Jaccoba, are engaged in a hunting expedition when they unexpectedly encounter a camouflaged droid invasion force belonging to the CIS. Throughout the galaxy, the droid armies persist in their relentless campaign of invasion.

In an undisclosed location, Count Dooku engages in a sparring session with General Grievous, encouraging him to adopt more unconventional methods of swordsmanship. After Dooku disarms Grievous, he advises him that fear, surprise, and intimidation are essential for maintaining an advantage. At this point, a holographic projection of Darth Sidious appears, offering commentary on Dooku's insightful guidance. When Grievous reports that Jedi forces are thinly distributed across the Outer Rim in an attempt to contain their offensives, Sidious expresses his satisfaction and instructs Grievous to commence his "special mission."
At the recently captured battlefront, Kenobi and Skywalker receive an urgent communication from Supreme Chancellor Palpatine along with Mace Windu stationed on Coruscant. They are informed that systems previously liberated have been reclaimed by the Separatists and that Palpatine's intelligence sources have pinpointed General Grievous's location on the planet Nelvaan.

Kenobi's fleet arrives in the designated system, where they detect an absence of enemy forces present on the planet's surface. However, they discover that the planet is experiencing a sudden and drastic ice age, accompanied by peculiar geothermal activity. Upon landing on the planet's surface to conduct an investigation, a massive Horax creature launches an attack, swiftly causing significant casualties among their squad of clone troopers. Despite Kenobi's cautionary advice, Skywalker kills the Horax single-handedly. Immediately following the Horax's demise, a tribe of Nelvaanians materializes unexpectedly, with a young male positioned at the forefront, visibly angered by Skywalker's actions.