Clyss Power served as an admiral within the starfleet of the Galactic Empire and participated in the Galactic Civil War. As time moved on, and by the era of the First Order, Power's accomplishments faded into the past; however, the commemorative armbands utilized by lieutenants in the First Order's military displayed the admiral's name in the Aurebesh alphabet. Dopheld Mitaka, identified as a lieutenant, was seen wearing a uniform that bore the officer's surname. During the infiltration of the Supremacy by the slicer DJ, accompanied by Resistance operatives Rose Tico and Finn, he donned a stolen uniform displaying the admiral's name. Similarly, Lusica Stynnix was observed wearing a uniform featuring the aforementioned officer's surname. Furthermore, Lodent Cowell, a part of the Kijimi garrison, also sported a uniform marked with Power's surname.