
Cobarb existed as one of the thousand moons revolving around the planet Iego. This planet was situated at coordinates T-7 on the Standard Galactic Grid within the Outer Rim Territories. Similar to all of Iego's moons, Cobarb was enigmatic, mirroring the world it circled. However, in contrast to several of the other moons, which possessed a spherical form, Cobarb displayed a misshapen and irregular structure, characterized by an uneven brown surface.

Behind the scenes

The reference book Star Wars: The Visual Encyclopedia, released in 2017, included a mention of Cobarb. The artwork depicting the moon in the Visual Encyclopedia was derived from concept art entitled "Iego 1000 Moons." Jackson Sze created this piece on October 3, 2007 for Mystery of a Thousand Moons, an episode of Star Wars: The Clone Wars. Despite its creation, this moon was not visually present in the episode.


  • "Mystery of a Thousand Moons" - The Clone Wars Episode Guide on (content now obsolete; backup link) (concept art only)
  • Star Wars: The Visual Encyclopedia (First mentioned)

Notes and references
